On Monday I received an email from Wodson Park as a stark reminder that everyone should continue to be fastidious about adhering to the the guidelines in place for classes to be COVID Secure at all times.
One of the hirers at Wodson Park had a participant who tested positive for COVID last week. Unfortunately Track & Trace procedures had not been followed correctly and consequently there have been some serious repercussions.
So this from HCC Public Health-
1. It is mainly unvaccinated people catching it, so the young generation in England, and now accounts for 90% of Covid cases;
2. The first jab is only about 22% effective against this variant, whilst the second jab is very effective, especially the AZ one.
3. This variant is much more transmissible than previous variants.
My Responsibiliy as the Hirer and Your Responsibility as a Participant at ALL Lindsey Fitness F2F Classes -
- Maintaining a register of all participants. This is why you MUST book your place in order to attend and you MUST Cancel your place if you find you can't subsequently attend.
- You MUST Check in using the QR code on the venue poster for every class.
- PLEASE hand sanitise on arrival at your class and as you leave.
- I retain the attendance registers for the required 21 days. so that a member of Track and Trace can contact me for your details if necessary during that time.
- You MUST let me know if you test positive for COVID at any time.
These are all essential preventative measures on our part in line with all the venues doing theirs to keep us COVID Secure too in order to prevent the spread of the virus.
Thank you for your vigilance and adherence to this so we all continue to be able to exercise together safely and efficiently .