The Glorious 12th! Excitement this week as the next stage of the roadmap out of 'lockdown' commences. The relief as hair is cut and styled, nails and beauty treatments welcomed, gyms are repopulated and outdoor hospitality resumes - Hooray! As you emerge from the lockdown what are you feeling, how are you looking and what are you going to be doing?
Are you emerging from the enforced hibernation a butterfly having focused on being the best version of you physically, nutritionally and emotionally? Or have you been overwhelmed by everything and feeling unhappy, nervous and unsure and maybe a little cross cross with yourself?
I have news......it's not and is never too late to make a difference!
But where to start?
The Come Alive Now mentored April program with me started on Monday - and participants have this week been working on themselves , examining their thoughts and beliefs enabling them to get rid of feelings of low self esteem, limiting beliefs and negativity- empowering them to break free from anything and everything that has ever held them back. I have also introduced them to the super simple Colour Code System to make sure they fill their bodies
with the ;right stuff', nutrient dense food for best physical health, every day. When you take care of both these elements - Mind & Body - something magical happens!
The Come Alive Now program runs alternate months with the Colour Fast Reset -and the May Reset is booking Now and is already half full - See later in this newsletter to book your place.
In the meantime Lindsey Fitness Home continues unabated until May when we hope some face to face classes can resume.