Can you believe it? It will be 365 Days or 52 weeks on Monday that a National Lockdown was imposed. Scary times as we truly didn't know the measure of what was happening and indeed of the reality of the pandemic to come.
It has been transitional for everyone on so many different levels of course, and in a matter of days it became apparent that things would be changing for the worse and changing fast .
I certainly had a panic, despair, and wallow day regarding Lindsey Fitness, a business I had built up over more than 25 years that so suddenly just stopped!. The class venues were all shut with immediate effect I was confused and worried for my business and all the members.
Now, I am the first to admit I am not a great techy (I just like to teach, work out and help people - I'm a people person!) so with help and support from some wonderful people and not shying away from asking the questions I needed - Lindsey Fitness Home was launched 'from my lounge to your home 'within a matter of days.
It has been a huge learning curve and I am thankful to still have a viable albeit somewhat different business a year down the line Thanks in main to the loyalty and belief of wonderful members who doggedly stuck by me , encouraged , supported and changed with me. Many took the big step themselves of going 'digital' - we got there together in the end.
So I am celebrating and thankful this week not least for my health but also at still having a viable business that I am passionate about when so many have lost theirs during this time - truly grateful.
What I have gained ...
- A TV studio in my lounge!
- An improved but still not confident knowledge of I.T but a work in progress and
I am learning all the time
- An online business in Nutrition, Fitness and Thought Field Therapy
New members on board from all over the country and the world (Saudi Arabia and
- The ability to deliver online fitness sessions and nutritional coaching whilst
seeing myself on screen working out, without participants directly in front of me. - Two online nutritional mindset programmes delivering health enhancing,
life changing results to great and sustainable success.
- The ability to successfully deliver online Thought Field Therapy Consultations
that continue to help people - especially dealing with the stress and anxiety, and
other emotional issues heightened at this time by the COVID situation
What I am looking forward to ...
- seeing members back in classes where and when it is safe and viable to run
some again. (and being able to hug them!)
- moving forward with a hybrid business mixing an online and F2F format
- continuing to learn and evolve to deliver the best experience for Lindsey Fitness
members who have stuck by, supported and encouraged me on this journey.
So this week as we move steadily towards a new normal , lets look at the positives - what have you gained and what are you looking forward to now that we can dare to?
Here for you as always xxx