Do YOU want Weight Loss For GOOD?
Lindsey Fitness has the Key... and its NOT a Secret!
Delivering the Placebo Diet Colour Code System online in Lindsey Fitness Home and The 14 Day Colour Fast Reset as a standalone kick start programme in a small private mentored Face Book group is changing the face of 'dieting' as we have previously known it.
Michelle from Welwyn Garden City has been featured monthly in this newsletter since taking part in her Reset in May. Now a picture of health and is incredibly now just 3 stones 1lb down!
I asked Michelle to explain how she felt then and now , what has changed?
Michelle writes.....
" Before my May Reset, I felt totally fed up with being overweight ,feeling bloated and a dress size 18. I would eat lots of 'treats' - cakes,biscuits and I couldn't stop eating chocolate. I realise now they weren't treats and I wasn't eating because I was hungry either.
I knew what I needed to do (we all do - don't we?) but I struggled to get my head in the right place to do it, I lacked motivation and had low energy and mood. I was generally so unhappy with myself inside and out.
Reaching out and talking to Lindsey about the Reset having read about it in this newsletter and joining Lindsey Fitness Home was the best decision I have ever made.
My life has changed forever, I am energised, motivated , positive, confident and a dress size 14 heading for 12 - I feel fantastic! I have received so many compliments on how good and happy I look, especially from the Mum's at my Son's school as they haven't seen me since March!
I now eat for health , not 'comfort', eating and loving the food the really does love me back in the best possible way. I rarely eat any processed sugar - I just don't want or need it. I eat two full meals a day within a 7 hour window which suits me perfectly. I LOVE doing Lindsey's online classes especially the Mobilisation & Mindfulness and HiiT sessions. Before my Reset I didn't do any exercise at all and now I
workout 5 or 6 times a week either live with Lindsey or using the replays at a time to suit me - just perfect!"