September has arrived, seen by many as the start of a 'New Year' , with schools returning, perhaps a new or different job to start., maybe a time to address bad habits that have crept in or even finally get started on 'PROJECT YOU' ...and what you intended to do way back in January !!!!!!!
Whatever September is a great time to get things done before C*******S ( I couldn't quite bring myself to print it in full yet!
The September Reset intake are full on preparing this week, - directing their mind, body and focus for the 14 days of intermittent fasting that starts on Monday and he knowledge they will take forward will last forever well beyond the end of 2020 .
I love the excitement they exude in their posts in the group from writing a healthy shopping list in preparation for all the super nutrient dense meals they will be consuming, to the realisation of how badly they have been talking to themselves and treating themselves over many years in some cases to practising the mindset techniques to help them change for the better for good! Watch This
Thank you for your votes in this years Herts Sports Partnership Lock Down Awards (there is still time if you haven't). For us all to be recognised in this way is such a privilege whatever happens after voting closes on Sunday..