Hot, hot, hot in classes this week... .Well done everyone who came to exercise F2F and online. There is no problem working out in warm conditions as long as you are physically well and properly hydrated of course. We have moderated the exercise in all sessions this week, mindful of the heatwave we have been experiencing. Do have a read of the NHS guidance for coping with hot weather in this
Our London Marathon runners and walkers have started their longer distance training and we have a 12 mile session to complete this weekend. Our longer runs are always car supported to ensure safety for all those taking part. We'll certainly be starting early to make use of the cooler hours ahead of another hot weekend.
The Summer Resetters have a less energetic weekend planned as they approach their long fast days on Sunday and Monday. After a week of preparation followed by a week of eating highly nutrient dense, delicious food in reducing feeding windows their bodies are primed and ready to 'deep clean' with the very best materials. Fasting is actually a treat for the body when it's been properly prepared to do so. Fasting allows the body to do it's amazing work,
unhindered by snacking or consuming poor quality food, void of any real nutritional value. Fasting allows the body to balance blood sugar levels, balance hormone levels and increase energy levels - the Reset is simply an MOT to make sure every thing is running at it's absolute best. It changes the body from a sugar burning , fat storer into an efficient fat burner - ensuring safe , effective sustainable weight loss, I look forward to sharing some amazing results with you at the
end of this Summer Reset.