HiiT exercise covers all fitness genres - Cardio vascular, strength, flexibility and resistance training all in one session. The intervals mean there are periods of exercise and rest arranged in varied protocols of time, duration and speed. The exercises can include using a variety of equipment
such as hand weights, kettlebells , benches , resistance bands or indeed just bodyweight.
HiiT can improve cardiovascular fitness, blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and abdominal fat levels. Various studies have confirmed the positive effect HiiT has on fitness levels – great news if you're time poor or struggle to find the motivation for longer workouts.
The notable benefits of a regular HiiT Workout are -
Burn more calories in less time - a 30 minute HiiT workout burns 20 to 30% more calories than other forms of exercise which means spending less time exercising while burning more calories overall
Reduce body fat - especially abdominal ( tummy fat) and visceral fat surrounding vital organs.
Increase muscle mass - particularly in those people who have previously been less active.
Improves cardiovascular and metabolic health -A study found that HiiT improved cardio-metabolic risk factors in physically inactive adults similar to moderate intensity exercise but in half the time .
Longer post workout afterburn -Compared to moderate exercise, HiiT seems to help you burn calories at a higher rate after you finish exercising
Reduce blood sugar & improve Insulin resistance -A study suggested HiiT may be beneficial for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. It found blood glucose was reduced immediately after each HiiT session.
Improve mental health - Any exercise improves mental health as is well known. A recent review showed that HiiT could provide a range of benefits for people with mental illnesses, including helping to reduce the severity of depression.
Time efficient - HiiT may be the ideal workout for the time-poor, as one study showed that even just 30 minutes three times a week could be enough to see the benefits.
If you are interested in HiiT for fitness but unsure where or how to start please get in touch and let me help you do just that.